Friday 6 November 2009

The snow

I hear that there is going to be snow in Canada.  I love the snow but I've only seen it once and it quickly turns to slush then mud and I hate mud even though I bring huge quantities into the house.

Today I have included some pictures of me and Charlie in the snow.

Thursday 5 November 2009

Bon Fire night

This is me waiting to go to bed.
Sorry but I had a rather busy night tonight barking at fireworks.

Dad has taken a picture of a burning bush.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Window cleaner

Hi Tommy here.
It's been a busy morning 'cos the window cleaner came round and it takes him about one hour.
My job is to bark at him the whole time.  I also have to follow him round the house to check he cleans the window properly.  When I am satisfied I bark in an aggressive manner whilst attempting to bite the glass.
This of a picture of me saying goodbye to the window cleaner.